Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Preserving Memories

There are so many moments in any one day of travel that are precious. That you want to hold onto, whether they are of breathtaking beauty, wry comments, banality, funny stupid things you do, bad English, joyful reconnections...

Here are a few from the last week or so.

Ordering "additives" with our meal at the Ukrainian restaurant.

Standing in the gray snow, stamping our feet and watching our breath float away. Deciding to see if we could blow smoke rings.

Seeing Ellie's familiar face as she pulled up in her car.

Discovering that the boat we could see in the canal was frozen in place.

Clasping the bar of the chairlift in fright (with frozen fingers) when it jolted to a stop. Calming down enough to gaze over the alps and breathe the fresh air.

Staring building facades, at unfamiliar clouds, at different wildlife.

Looking at the lily pads in the river and realising they were ice pads floating along.

Being told twice in the same day how to find the toilet by very friendly people. Was it the look on our faces? We weren't searching for toilets at the time!!

Reading the gospels afresh..Mark atm. Be alert...

Giggling with D about possible baby names...and testing them out via the 'shout method' in a restaurant...where it's v difficult to shout.

and more....but thats enough for now :)

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