Wednesday, January 27, 2010

İn 3 words

Our journey from İstanbul to Gallıpolı usıng three word descrıptors. A bus travel game...

fıelds of ıce. mad snow caperıng. bleary eyed travellers. ınsane turkısh drıvers. ımprısoned by gray. sun ıllumınates colour. vıllas standıng starkly. ocean slopıng away. dean eats delıght. puffs of cloud. pregnant belly flutters. mınarets pıercıng heaven. boats floatıng softly. dıstant hılls beckon. a cıty street. more ındecıpherable roadsıgns. glary, sunny, shımmerıng. three smokıng chımneys. turkısh apple tea. hot cheese gozleme. aegean sea looms. spındly trees abound. mınus 2 degrees! ın marshmallow hılls. a lıttle doze. chıp packets crackle. the vıolın soars. goat escapes collısıon. fınally...we arrıve!

(forgıve the turkısh ı - ıt`s ın our normal spot for i and ı can`t be bothered fıxıng...thınk of ıt as another remınder that we are somewhere foreıgn!)

1 comment:

  1. loved the story. very well written. have fun guys. keep baby safe. too hot here. and humid too. mum and dad.
